Council Agenda

Town of Georgina Civic Centre
26557 Civic Centre Rd.
Keswick, ON

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”



Report No. LS-2023-0024


  1. That Council receive Report No. LS-2023-0024 prepared by the Municipal Law Enforcement Division, Legislative Services dated November 22nd, 2023 regarding the Animal Shelter Services Partnership Memorandum of Understanding.
  2. That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Towns of Aurora, East Gwillimbury, and Newmarket for the provision of Animal Shelter Services for a five-year term with an optional one-year extension.

Report No. OI-2023-0028


  1. That Council receive Report No. OI-2023-0028 prepared by the Road Operations Division, Operations & Infrastructure Department, dated November 22, 2023, regarding the Biannual Traffic Report;
  2. That Council receive the Speed Hump Pilot Program Update and approve the additional budget of $25,000.00 funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve to install 5 more speed humps; and,
  3. That staff report back on the Speed Hump Pilot Program in Q3 of 2024 including an amended traffic calming policy.

Report No. SI-2023-0016


  1. That Council receive Report No. SI-2023-0016 prepared by the Strategic Initiatives Department, dated November 22, 2023, respecting the research to inform Council’s decision on Health Georgina’s request for funding related to Physician Recruitment and a future Urgent Care Centre.
  2. That Council provide direction to staff on its preferred path forward based on the contents of this report.

(Advisement: Presentation to be provided by staff)

Report No. OI-2023-0020


  1. That Council receive report OI-2023-0020 prepared by the Operations & Infrastructure Department dated November 22, 2023 regarding the Lake Drive Functional Assessment Study update;
  2. That Council receive the attached report “Lake Drive Functional Assessment Study, Final Report”, dated November 13, 2023, prepared by WSP (“the LDFA Final Report”); and,
  3. That, given the associated potential budget requirements that would result from the recommended implementation plans, Council defer discussions relating to next steps and budget approval to 2024 budget deliberations on December 5th and December 6th, 2023.

(Advisement: Presentation to be provided by staff)

Report No. OI-2023-0029


  1. That Council receive Report No. OI-2023-0029 prepared by the Operations Division, Operations & Infrastructure Department, dated November 22, 2023, regarding the Traffic Bylaw 2002-0046 Consolidation;
  2. That Council approve the proposed amendments to the new, consolidated Traffic Bylaw in Attachment 2;
  3. That Council approve that any reference to Bylaw 2002-0046 in any existing, procedures, policies, and existing Bylaws shall be in reference to the new, consolidated Traffic Bylaw until such time that the documents can be amended; and 
  4. That York Regional Police be advised of the Bylaw revisions for Speed Limits (Schedule XXVIII). 

Report No. LS-2023-0019


  1. That Council receive Report No. LS-2023-0019 prepared by the Municipal Law Enforcement Division, Legislative Services dated November 22nd, 2023 respecting an update on Off-Road Vehicles.
  2. That Council direct staff to return with a By-law for a pilot project, if Council would like to continue to explore the use of Off-Road Vehicles on Town roads after reviewing the options contained within this report.

Report No. DS-2023-0087


  1. That Council receive Report No. DS-2023-0087, prepared by the Planning Policy Division, Development Services Department, dated November 22, 2023, regarding the Lake Drive Shoreline Action Plan - Surveyor Services;
  2. That Council approve the budget for Category 2, survey costs, of the Lake Drive Shoreline Action Plan, based on results of Contract “DSD2023-099 Surveyor Services – Lake Drive”, in the amount of $655,059.00, along with a 30% contingency of $196,518.00, totaling $851,577.00, plus applicable HST of 1.76%; and
  3. That Council set the survey costs per lakeside lot for Eligible Property Owners (EPOs) at $2,476.00, based on an estimated 350 lakeside lots with 100% participation; and
  4. That Council allocate funding from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve for the Additional Survey Works outlined in the Provisional Item found in Schedule B of Contract “DSD2023-099 Surveyor Services – Lake Drive”, in the amount of $79,650.00, along with a 30% contingency of $23,895.00 totalling $103,545.00, plus applicable HST of 1.76%; and
  5. That in accordance with Operational Step #7 of the Action Plan and Recommendations 2 and 4 above, Council approve the contract award for surveying services to IBW Surveyors and authorize the Manager of Procurement Services to execute the agreement between the Town of Georgina and IBW Surveyors, together with any other necessary documents required to give effect to the agreement; and,
  6. That staff report back to Council on providing EPOs the option of a payment plan, with a comprehensive outline of the payment plan option, including interest rates, overall structure, duration of payments, and seek authorization for the associated by-law.

Report No. LS-2023-0020


  1. That Report No. LS-2023-0020 prepared by the Clerk's Division, Legislative Services, dated November 22, 2023 respecting the Municipal Insurance and Risk Management Services Renewal - 2024 be received.
  2. That the Town enter into an agreement with BFL Canada Risk and Insurance Inc. (BFL) for Municipal Insurance Coverage and Risk Management services for a one (1) year term commencing January 1, 2024, based on a total annual insurance premium of $1,106,294.00 plus taxes and any additional premium increase resulting from the addition of new assets and operations during the term.
  3. That Council authorize the Manager of Procurement Services to process the renewal of Insurance Coverage and Risk Management Services for the Town of Georgina and execute all other necessary documents, subject to satisfactory performance of the contract.
  4. That Council authorize the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer I Treasurer to fund the excess insurance claims that may arise through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve, if the Town’s insurance claims exceed the approved Budget for 2024.

Report No. SI-2023-0017


  1. That Council receive Report SI-2023-0017 prepared by the Economic Development and Tourism Division, Strategic Initiatives Department respecting updates on the Economic Development and Tourism Grant Programs and the approval process.
  2. That Council direct the Internal Review Team to undertake the evaluation and approval of all Grant Programs administered through the Economic Development and Tourism Division and direct the Clerks Division to update the Terms of Reference for the Economic Development Committee accordingly.

WHEREAS the Town of Georgina and the Country of Canada made a significant contribution to protect the rights and freedoms of our people and our allies while many Canadians made the ultimate sacrifice;

AND WHEREAS we gather on November 11th each year, Lest we forget;

AND WHEREAS the Legion of Canada has the poppy to symbolize those who served and those who gave their lives for each generation that followed selflessly so that we may express ourselves in a free nation;  

AND WHEREAS the reminder of these great and harrowing sacrifices remind us not only of what is in our and indeed the worlds history but, what we must guard and understand going forward as a community and a country;

AND WHEREAS one day to honour and pay tribute is given, we must keep the memory and the gratitude year-round, Lest we forget;

AND WHEREAS the poppy symbol must be respected and never walked on, worn and displayed to keep the sacred acknowledgment above all else;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Town of Georgina staff be directed to work with the appropriate stakeholders to establish commemorative remembrance initiatives that serve  as a daily reminder honouring  all those who serve and the many who paid the ultimate 
sacrifice. These initiatives are to be presented by staff to Council for approval by end of Q2 of 2024.

Motion to move into Closed Session of Council




Motion to reconvene into Open Session of Council and report on matters discussed in Closed Session

No Item Selected