Council Minutes

Meeting #:
Town of Georgina Civic Centre
26557 Civic Centre Rd.
Keswick, ON
Members of Council Present:
  • Mayor Margaret Quirk
  • Regional Councillor Davison
  • Councillor Biggerstaff
  • Councillor Fellini
  • Councillor Neeson
  • Councillor Genge
  • Councillor Dale
Staff Present:
  • Ryan Cronsberry, CAO
  • Denis Beaulieu, Director of Development Services
  • Steve Lee-Young, Director of Community Services
  • Michael Bigioni, Director of Legislative Services, Town Solicitor
  • Ron Jenkins, Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief
  • Rob Wheater, Deputy CAO/Treasurer
  • Shawn Nastke, Director, Strategic Initiatives
  • Michael Vos, Director of Operations and Infrastructure
  • Val Stevens, Director, Library Services/CEO
  • Rachel Dillabough, Town Clerk
  • Mamata Baykar, Deputy Clerk
  • Carolyn Lance, Council Services Coordinator
  • Cheyenne McAnuff, Records and Information Coordinator
  • Anne Winstanley, Supervisor, Communications
  • Bob Ferguson, Manager, Parks Development and Operations
  • Karyn Stone, Manager, Economic Development & Tourism
  • Michael Rozario, Deputy Fire Chief
  • Mike Hutchinson, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement
  • Neil Macdonald, Manager, Capital Projects
  • Tanya Thompson, Communications Manager
Others Present:
  • Courtney Rennie, Senior Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives

    Patti White, Manager of Recreation Services

    Katrina Ellis, Marketing and Promotions Coordinator, Strategic Initiatives

    Geoff Harrison, Manager of Taxation and Revenue

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”

As noted above

  • February 28th is 'Pink Shirt Day', an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about bullying and promoting acts of kindness in schools across the country
  • Saturday, March 2nd, Grand Opening of The MURC, 10:00am-2:00pm, regular operating hours will commence on Sunday, March 3rd
  • Item No. 11.1.f(a), Appendix 'H' to Report No. OID-2024-0003, Life Cycle Cost Analysis
  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0056
    Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    That the closed session matter be deferred pending review by all Council members.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0057
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That the remainder of the February 28th Council agenda, with the following addendum item, be approved;

    • Item No. 11.1.f(a), Appendix 'H' to Report No. OID-2024-0003, Life Cycle Cost Analysis

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0058
    Moved ByCouncillor Fellini
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That the following minutes be adopted as presented:

Rob Wheater indicated that the Stormwater Rate Study was undertaken to indicate a dedicated fee to deal with the funding gap for ongoing maintenance and capital of stormwater infrastructure.

Ilmar Simanovskis, Civica Water Management Solutions, reviewed the stormwater rate study prepared for the Town of Georgina, advising that stormwater management is the creation of systems to offset the impacts of urbanization, phosphorus loading and other impacts to the lake.  Stormwater management is the collection of runoff to reduce property flood risk and the storage and treatment of stormwater to protect river systems and protect downstream areas from erosion and flood risk.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0059
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That the presentation made by Ilmar Simanovskis of Civica Water Management Solutions reviewing the Stormwater Rate Assessment, be received.




  • Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That the following report recommendations be adopted;

Report No. DCAO-2024-0001

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0060
    1. That Council receive Report No. DCAO-2024-0001 prepared by the Financial Controllership and Reporting Division, Office of the Deputy CAO dated February 28, 2024 respecting the Audit Plan for the 2023 Fiscal Year.


    2. That Council approve the Audit Plan for the 2023 Fiscal Year as prepared by KPMG LLP in consultation with Town staff, and described in the attached correspondence from KPMG LLP dated February 2024.

Report No. CSD-2024-0002

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0061
    1. That Council receive Report No. CSD-2024-0002 prepared by the Community Services Department dated February 28, 2024, respecting amendment to the fees charged under By-Law 2023-0076 (RE-3).


    2. That Council adopt the amended By-Law to approve the revised Community Services Fees and Charges 2024-2027 presented in Attachment 1.


Adoption Of Reports Not Requiring Separate Discussion


Report No. SI-2024-0003

Katrina Ellis provided an overview of the report.

Nancy Johnston of McSweeney provided a presentation regarding the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy which assists with infrastructure planning and identifies Council priorities, provides clear direction and assists the Town in decision-making, planning and execution.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0062
    Moved ByCouncillor Fellini
    Seconded ByCouncillor Neeson
    1. That Council receive Report No. SI-2024-0003 prepared by the Economic Development and Tourism Division, Strategic Initiatives Department dated February 28, 2024, respecting the proposed 2024 Town of Georgina Economic Development and Tourism Strategy.
    2. That Council endorse Attachment 1 of Report No. SL-2024-0003 as the Town’s 2024 Economic Development and Tourism Strategy.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That the Council meeting recess at 10:35am


    That the Council meeting reconvene at 10:55am

Report No. CSD-2024-0003

  • staff requested to take before-and-after photos of the cemetery

A separation of the recommendations and recorded vote on Recommendation No. 3 was requested.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0063
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison
    1. That Council receive Report No. CSD-2024-0003 dated February 28, 2024 prepared by the Community Services Department for 2024 Recommendations for Priority Capital Improvements in Cemeteries;


    2. That Council approve a budget of $96,200 plus applicable HST for priority capital improvements at Keswick Cemetery in 2024, to be funded through the Corporate Capital Reserve.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0064
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    3.  That Council approve a budget of $66,360 plus applicable HST for priority capital improvements, including layby parking, at Mann Cemetery in 2024, to be funded through the Corporate Capital Reserve.



Report No. LS-2024-0004

  • fees associated for inspections regarding valid complaints; the demerit point system reflects valid complaints against short term rental accommodation properties
  • fines and charges can be issued via several bylaws such as the noise bylaw and short term rental accommodation bylaw for enforcement purposes regarding valid complaints
  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0065
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini
    1. That Report No. LS-2024-0004 prepared by the Clerk’s Division, Legislative Services Department, dated February 28, 2024, respecting Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing – Proposed User Fees be received;


    2. That Council approve the proposed amendments to the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing Bylaw with regards to the STRA User Fees; and,


    3. That Council direct the Clerk’s Division to prepare the necessary bylaw to give effect to the proposed amendments.


    DIRECTION; Building Division staff requested to investigate the option of requiring a full septic system inspection for properties applying to become a Short Term Rental property, as well as an increase of the associated fee, and advise Council accordingly.

Report No. OID-2024-0003

Neil McDonald provided details of the report.

The recommendations were requested to be separated and voted on separately.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0066
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    1. That Council receive Report No. OID-2024-0003 prepared by the Operations & Infrastructure Department dated February 28, 2024 regarding the completion of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) planning study for the Old Shiloh Road Bridge;
    2. That Council receive the attached report entitled 'Old Shiloh Road Bridge, Class Environmental Assessment Project File Report', dated February 6, 2024, prepared by Tatham Engineering.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0067
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    3.  That Council accept the recommended alternative to replace the existing single lane bridge with a two-lane bridge and authorize staff to submit the completed MCEA documentation and Notice of Completion to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0068
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    4.  That Council direct staff to complete an analysis of costs, timelines and implementation considerations of the non-structural options for cultural heritage commemoration of the Old Shiloh Road Bridge including; an arch facade, reuse or relocation of portions of the bridge at an alternative location, or erection of a monument, plaque or art installation; and return to Council with a report on the non-structural commemoration options.


  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0069
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That Council receive Item 11.1.f.a, Appendix 'H' to Report No. OID-2024-0003, Life Cycle Cost Analysis.


(Advisement:  referred from February 7th General Information items for discussion)

  • Moved ByCouncillor Genge

    That Council endorse the Municipality of Tweed's position requesting the License Plate Renewal System be reinstated and allocate the resulting one billion dollars in revenue to address critical Ontario infrastructure needs.

    Lost, No Seconder
  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0070
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That Council receive correspondence from the Municipality of Tweed requesting the reinstatement of the License Plate Renewal System and allocation of the resulting revenue to address critical Ontario infrastructure needs.


(Advisement:  referred from February 7th General Information items for discussion)

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0071
    Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That Council receive correspondence from Prince Edward County in support of the Province expanding the life span of fire apparatus specifically pertaining to the replacement of fire trucks due to insurance requirements.


(Advisement:  referred from February 7th General Information items for discussion)

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0072
    Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Neeson

    That Council endorse the position of Greater Madawaska requesting the government to support Bill C-310 and amendments to subsections of the Income Tax Act to increase the amount of tax credits for volunteer firefighters and search and rescue volunteer services.


(Advisement:  referred from February 7th General Information items for discussion)

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0073
    Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That Council endorse the position of the Town of Orangeville requesting the Province conduct a comprehensive social and economic prosperity review to promote the stability and sustainability of municipal finances across Ontario.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0074
    Moved ByRegional Councillor Davison
    Seconded ByCouncillor Neeson

    That Council support the application made by the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nations to Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada for a landholding in the Town of Georgina for Addition to Reserve, specifically 969 Lake Drive North, being the formal process of converting these lands to reserve status.


Item (iv) removed for discussion - Springwater, occupational health and safety act, definition of 'employer'

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0075
    Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That Council receive General Information Item (iv) being correspondence from the Township of Springwater endorsing the position of the City of Greater Sudbury petitioning the Provincial government to amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act to clarify the definition of 'employer' to exclude owners that have contracted with a contractor for a project, and that it be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and return to Council with recommendations.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0076
    Moved ByCouncillor Fellini
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That Council receive the balance of General Information items (i) to (iii), (v) to (vii) for February 28, 2024.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0077
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    That Council receive the Briefing Note advising that Councillor Dale Genge formally resign from the Georgina Centre for Arts and Culture Board as her son is an employee of the Centre, and from the Georgina Appeals Committee as she is of the opinion that Councillors should not serve on a committee that hears appeals concerning Town bylaw matters.


Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority;

-Annual General Meeting in January; change in Chair (Clare Rippa) and Vice-Chair (Randy Greenlaw)

-'Lake Management Update' report regarding the health of Lake Simcoe, phosphorus loads, invasive species, climate change; Mayor Quirk suggested the report-writer, along with Robert Baldwin, CEO, be invited to present this update to Town Council, along with an overview of the Authority's Strategic Plan and Lake Simcoe Preserve Master Plan  

-Conservation Authorities New Regulations in effect as of April 1st

-2023 Priorities Update



  • Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    1.  Bylaw Number 2024-0017 (COU-1);

    1. That the name 'Councillor Dale Genge' be removed as a member of the Georgina Centre for Arts and Culture Board.

    2.  That the name 'Councillor Dale Genge' be removed as a member of the Georgina Appeals Committee


    Moved by Councillor Dale

    Seconded by Regional Councillor Davison

    2.  Bylaw Number 2024-0018 (RE-3);



  • Moved ByRegional Councillor Davison
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That the meeting adjourn at 1:03pm

No Item Selected