Council Minutes

Meeting #:
Town of Georgina Civic Centre
26557 Civic Centre Rd.
Keswick, ON
Members of Council Present:
  • Mayor Margaret Quirk
  • Regional Councillor Davison
  • Councillor Biggerstaff
  • Councillor Fellini
  • Councillor Neeson
  • Councillor Dale
Members of Council Absent:
  • Councillor Genge
Staff Present:
  • Ryan Cronsberry, CAO
  • Rob Wheater, Deputy CAO/Treasurer
  • Michael Vos, Director of Operations and Infrastructure
  • Mamata Baykar, Deputy Clerk
  • Carolyn Lance, Council Services Coordinator
  • Cheyenne McAnuff, Records and Information Coordinator
  • Alan Drozd, Manager of Planning Policy
  • Brittany Dobrindt, Planner I
Others Present:
  • Tim Gallagher, Development Engineering Technologist

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”

Councillor Genge; absent

  • Saturday, April 20th, first annual fundraising Live and Silent Art Auction at Georgina Centre for Arts and Culture, 6:00pm to 9:00pm, tickets are $75/person
  • Congratulations extended to Melinda Watpool, local resident, currently ranked No. 3 under the International Boxing Federation
  • Saturday, April 20th, Town hosting 'Earth Day Tree Giveaway' at The ROC, 10:00am to 4:00pm, in partnership with the Canadian Trees For Life organization, two-gallon pots, 3-4 feet tall, six different variety of trees include Red Maple, Tulip Tree, London Plane Tree, Hybrid Poplar, Swamp White Oak and Red Oak, proof of residency will be requested
  • many positive comments received regarding the recently-opened Multi-Use Recreation Complex (MURC); programming demand is a work in progress, requesting the public to be patient
  • Item 11.1.a(a), Additional correspondence concerning Item 11.1.a, Report DS-2024-0002
  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0122
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That the April 17, 2024 Council agenda, with the following addendum item, be adopted;

    • Item 11.1.a(a), Additional correspondence concerning Item 11.1.a, Report DS-2024-0002


Richard Phillips, owner of 249 and 253A Lake Drive North abutting the subject property, advised of his strong opposition to the zoning bylaw amendment application for 255 Lake Drive North and urged Council to deny the application due to accessory building footprint, impact of the proposed dwelling, resulting reduced privacy, current and future traffic disruption, incompatibility with neighbourhood and Ontario Municipal Board approval of the garage on the contingent that it not contain a residential dwelling.

RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0123

Moved by Councillor Neeson

Seconded by Councillor Biggerstaff

That Council receive the comments provided by Richard Phillips in opposition to the application to amend the zoning bylaw to permit a residential dwelling within an existing garage at 255 Lake Drive North, Keswick.


Hillary Thatcher along with Clint Davis, 253 Lake Drive North abutting the subject property, indicated their objection to the application as it relates to the applicant's agent indicating very clearly in 2018 that the new garage would not be converted to a residential use, large size of garage, infringement on her privacy, incompatibility to the historic cottage setting, drainage issues inadequately addressed including direct drainage of rainwater from the garage roof onto her property, significant changes made to topography to accommodate the building.

RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0124

Moved by Councillor Neeson

Seconded by Regional Councillor Davison

That Council receive the comments provided by Hillary Thatcher in opposition to the application to amend the zoning bylaw to permit a residential dwelling within an existing garage at 255 Lake Drive North, Keswick.


Diane Woods indicated she owns property off of Elmtree Lane and is also opposed to this application due to loss of privacy, incompatibility with cottage area, noise, traffic and loss of aesthetic appeal and requested Council refuse the proposed amendment.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0125
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That Council receive the comments provided by Diane Wood regarding her concerns with the application to amend the zoning bylaw to permit a residential dwelling within an existing garage at 255 Lake Drive North.




Part Lot 18, Concession 2 (NG) and Lot 16, Plan 77, being Part 1, Plan 65R-11736

255 Lake Drive N, Keswick

File No. 03.1121

Report No. DS-2024-0002

  • discussion regarding lot coverage
  • intention to convert existing dwelling in the rear yard into accessory storage and relocate the existing dwelling unit to the second storey of an existing two-storey detached garage in the rear yard 

Alan Drozd

  • to reduce lot coverage to the 10% limit, the applicant would need to remove the accessory buildings on the property prior to passing the bylaw.  Even though the OMB approved the garage based on the fact that it was not to be used as a dwelling unit, the applicant could get a building permit and put a dwelling unit in the garage if it met the 10% lot coverage limit

Direction; staff to make a property standards inspection on the subject property

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0126
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini
    1. That Council receive Report No. DS-2024-0002 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department dated April 17, 2024 respecting a Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Michael Smith Planning Consultants; Development Coordinators Ltd. on behalf of the owners of the property municipally addressed as 255 Lake Drive North, Keswick;


    2. That Council deny the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Michael Smith Planning Consultants; Development Coordinators Ltd. to rezone the property municipally addressed as 255 Lake Drive North from Residential (R) and Transitional (T) to site-specific Residential (R-83), including site specific provisions outlined in Staff Report DS-2024-0002.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That the Council meeting recess at 8:20pm


    That Council meeting reconvened at 8:30pm


Part of Lots 1 and 2, Concession 3 (NG), Parts 1 - 5, Plan 65R-39504

n/s Ravenshoe Road, Keswick, File Nos. 01.157, 01.163, 03.1161

AGENT:  Michael Smith Planning Consultants

Report No. DS-2024-0022

Mark Stone, Planning Consultant for the Town;

  • recommending draft approval of plan of subdivision subject to conditions
  • north side of Ravenshoe Road, west of Woodbine Avenue, designated for residential and commercial development
  • 244 single detached dwellings with a variety of frontage widths, 165 townhouses, one future condominium block, one elementary school block, 1 secondary school block, part block proposed between 2 school sites, one stormwater management block on Ravenshoe Road
  • revised plan provides an improved mix and increased range of housing types
  • design fits within existing neighbourhood, servicing allocation in Keswick Urban Service Boundary is limited, holding provision most likely


  • strong buffers at west edge of Block 343 and/or a walkway south to Ravenshoe Road
  • incorporate a small community plaza
  • ensure 2 school board blocks are maintained, graded and seeded, pending potential construction; if school is not constructed, add additional zoning for institutional or residential uses so surrounding owners are aware that it may not be used as school sites
  • woodlot too wet to be suitable for a walkway and improving drainage would harm the trees
  • post signage to notify the public that blocks may or may not be school sites
  • potential to accelerate servicing allocation to accommodate accelerated development of denser and more affordable categories
  • introduction of framework for use-it-or-lose-it servicing allocation mechanism, requested staff servicing update
  • Block 88; ensure grading is such that it encourages children toward Street 2 rather than toward the future main collector road, Joe Dales Drive

Alan Drozd; sanitary sewer and water servicing capacity is part of 2024 work program, strategic deployment of allocation to be determined.  An 'H' Holding Symbol will be in place pending the management of allocation.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0127
    Moved ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison
    1. That Council receive Report No. DS-2024-0022 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department dated April 17, 2024, respecting revised applications for Zoning By-law Amendment (File 03.1161) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (File 01.157/19T-21G01) submitted by Michael Smith Planning Consultants; Development Coordinators Ltd. on behalf of Garland Community (BT) Corp. for the property described as Part of Lots 1 and 2, Concession 3 (NG), and more particularly described as Parts 1 to 5, Plan 65R-39504;
    2. That Council approve the revised applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by Michael Smith Planning Consultants; Development Coordinators Ltd. on behalf of Garland Community (BT) Corp. for the property described as Part of Lots 1 and 2, Concession 3 (NG), and more particularly described as Parts 1 to 5, Plan 65R-39504;
    3. That the approval of the revised Draft Plan of Subdivision be subject to the conditions attached to Report DS-2024-0022 as Attachment 11;
    4. That Council acknowledges that there have been revisions to the proposed Zoning By-law since the January 18, 2023 public meeting and that in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act has determined these revisions to be minor and not requiring an additional public meeting; and,
    5. That the proposed Zoning By-law be presented to Council for passage at a future meeting.

  • motion adopted indicating that York Region is reviewing all of its landholdings and building to determine if any can be better utilized
  • Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That the Council meeting adjourn at 9:06pm
