Part Lot 15, Concession 3 (NG), and part of road allowance between Concession 2 and 3, being Part 1 on Plan 65R-30415
s/s Old Homestead Road, west of The Queensway North, Keswick
Report No. DS-2024-0017
1. That Council receive Report No. DS-2024-0017, prepared by the Development Engineering Division, Development Services Department dated April 24, 2024, respecting the execution of a proposed Earthworks Agreement for the Greystone/Middleburg Subdivision;
2. That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Earthworks Agreement between Greystone (Homestead) Limited and Middleburg Developments Inc., as Owners, and the Corporation of the Town of Georgina, relating to Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T-14G01 referred to as the Greystone/Middleburg Subdivision; and,
3. That Council authorize staff to make minor revisions to the draft Earthworks Agreement, included as Attachment 3 to Report No. DS-2024-0017.