Committee of Adjustment

Virtual Meeting

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of the Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”

    1. That the Committee of Adjustment receive Report No. DS-2025-0005 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department, dated January 20, 2025, respecting Consent Application B18-24, submitted by the owners for the property municipally addressed as 5 and 5A Evelyn Avenue; and,

    2. That in the event no public or Committee concerns are raised at the meeting warranting investigating and a further meeting, Staff recommend the following:

      1. That the Committee of Adjustment approve Consent Application B18-24 as it pertains to the property known as 5 and 5A Evelyn Avenue, to sever and convey Severed Lands from Retained Lands and convey same to Benefitting Lands, as shown in Attachment 3 to Report No. DS-2025-0005; and,

      2. That the approval of Consent Applications B18-24 be subject to the following condition(s):

        1. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer of two (2) white prints of a deposited reference plan of survey to conform substantially with the applications, as submitted;
        2. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer of draft transfer documents, in duplicate, conveying Severed Lands to Benefitting Lands as indicated on Attachment 3 to Report No. DS-2025-0005;
        3. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer of written confirmation from the Town of Georgina Development Planning Division that the Owner / Applicant submit and obtain approval for a Cancellation of Consent (B19- 24) related to previous Consent Application B10-17 from 2017;
        4. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer of written confirmation from The Town of Georgina Development Planning Division that the shed located on Retained Lands has been removed; and,
        5. That the above-noted conditions be fulfilled within two (2) years of the date of the Notice of Decision.

    1. That the Committee of Adjustment receive Report No. DS-2025-0002 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department, dated January 20, 2024, respecting Minor Variance Application A20-24, for the property municipally addressed as 32 Snooks Road; and,

    2. That in the event no public or Committee concerns are raised at the meeting warranting investigation and a further meeting, Staff recommend the following:

      1. That the Committee of Adjustment approve Minor Variance Application A20-24 to permit relief from the following:

        1. Section 6.1(c): To permit an addition to the single detached dwelling with a front yard setback of 0.8 metres, whereas a front yard setback of 6 metres is required;

        2. Section 5.45 (h): To permit a handicap ramp to encroach nil metres into the front yard setback, whereas an encroachment of 2 metres into the required front yard is permitted;

      2. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A20-24 be subject to the following condition(s):

        1. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer that the re-circulation fee has been paid to the satisfaction of the Development Planning Division;

        2. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer of written confirmation from the Operations and Infrastructure Division that all matters identified in Attachment 4 to Report No. DS-2025-0002 have been addressed to the Division’s satisfaction; and

        3. That the above-noted conditions be fulfilled within two (2) years of the date of the Notice of Decision

      3. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A20-24 be subject to the following term(s):

        1. That the proposed addition be constructed in general conformity with Attachment 2 to Report DS-2025-0002, in accordance with the relief recommended to be approved in Recommendation 2a);

    1. That the Committee of Adjustment receive Report No. DS-2025-0001 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department, dated January 20, 2025, respecting Minor Variance Application A28-24, for the property municipally addressed as 837 Trivetts Lane; and,

    2. That in the event no public or Committee concerns are raised at the meeting warranting investigation and a further meeting, Staff recommend the following:

      1. That the Committee of Adjustment approve Minor Variance Application A28-24 to permit relief from the following:

        1. Section 10.5.68: To permit a minimum rear yard setback of 5 metres, whereas a minimum rear yard setback of 8 metres is required;

        2. Section 6.1 (i): To permit a maximum lot coverage of 38.5%; whereas a maximum lot coverage of 35% is required;

        3. Section 6.1(j): To permit a maximum building height of 11.5 metres, whereas a maximum building height of 11 metres is required;

        4. Section 5.28(i): To permit a maximum driveway width of 9.45 metres, whereas a maximum driveway width of 9 metres is required;

      2. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A28-24 be subject to the following term(s):

        1. That the proposed single detached dwelling be constructed in general conformity with Attachment 3 to Report DS-2025-0001, in accordance with the relief recommended to be approved in Recommendation 2a);

      3. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A28-24 be subject to the following condition(s):

        1. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer of written confirmation from the Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority that all matters identified in Attachment 4 to Report No. DS-2025-0001 have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority; and

        2. That the above-noted conditions be fulfilled within two (2) years of the date of the Notice of Decision.
    1. That the Committee of Adjustment receive Report No. DS-2025-0003 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department, dated January 20, 2025, respecting Minor Variance Application A29-24, for the property municipally addressed as 43 The Queensway North; and,

    2. That in the event no public or Committee concerns are raised at the meeting warranting investigation and a further meeting, Staff recommend the following:

      1. That the Committee of Adjustment approve Minor Variance Application A29-24 to permit relief from the following:

        1. Section 5.1 (b): To permit the construction of an accessory building (pergola) in a front yard, whereas an accessory building or structure shall not be erected in any yard other than an interior side yard or rear yard;

        2. Section 5.1(b): To permit the construction of an accessory building (shed) in a front yard; whereas an accessory building or structure shall not be erected in any yard other than an interior side yard or rear yard;

        3. Section 5.12: To permit a 2.4-metre high fence with nil front yard setbacks, whereas adherence to the minimum yard requirements is required for a fence with a maximum height exceeding 2 metres;

      2. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A29-24 be subject to the following term(s):

        1. That the proposed accessory structures be constructed in general conformity with Attachment 2 to Report DS-2025-0003, in accordance with the relief recommended to be approved in Recommendation 2a);

      3. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A29-24 be subject to the following condition(s):

        1. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer of written confirmation from the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority that all matters identified in Attachment 4 to Report No. DS-2025-0003 have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority; and

        2. That the above-noted conditions be fulfilled within two (2) years of the date of the Notice of Decision.
    1. That the Committee of Adjustment receive Report No. prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department, dated January 20, 2025, respecting Minor Variance Application A33-24, for the property municipally addressed as 87 Sibbald Crescent; and,

    2. That in the event no public or Committee concerns are raised at the meeting warranting investigation and a further meeting, Staff recommend the following:

      1. That the Committee of Adjustment approve Minor Variance Application A33-24 to permit relief from the following:

        1. Section 5.1(f): To permit a detached accessory building with a height to the roof peak of 6.95 metres, whereas detached accessory buildings may have a maximum height to the roof peak of 6 metres;

        2. Section 5.1(f): To permit a detached accessory building with a height to the eaves of 5.49 metres, whereas detached accessory buildings may have a maximum height to the roof peak of 4.5 metres;

      2. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A33-24 be subject to the following term(s):

        1. That the proposed accessory structure be constructed in general conformity with Attachment 2 to Report DS-2025-0006, in accordance with the relief recommended to be approved in Recommendation 2a);

        2. That the detached garage shall not have any interior water fixtures and/or washroom facilities (i.e. sink, toilet, shower or bathtub); and,

        3. That the detached garage shall not be utilized for sleeping accommodation/living quarters at any time.

      3. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A33-24 be subject to the following condition(s):

        1. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer of written confirmation from the Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority that all matters identified in Attachment 4 to Report No. DS-2025-0006 have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority; and

        2. That the above-noted conditions be fulfilled within two (2) years of the date of the Notice of Decision.
    1. That the Committee of Adjustment receive Report No. DS-2025-0004 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department, dated January 20, 2025, respecting Minor Variance Application A25-24, for the property municipally addressed as 24996 Woodbine Avenue; and,

    2. That in the event no public or Committee concerns are raised at the meeting warranting investigation and a further meeting, Staff recommend the following:

      1. That the Committee of Adjustment approve Minor Variance Application A25-24 to permit relief from the following:

        1. Section 7.5.113 (b) (ii): To permit a maximum interior garage width of 8.9 metres, whereas the maximum interior garage width of 6 metres is permitted;

        2. Section 5.28(i): To permit a maximum driveway or parking area width of 60% of the lot frontage for the 15-metre (minimum) interior lots, whereas a maximum of 55% is permitted;

        3. Section 7.5113 (b) (v): To permit a maximum driveway or parking area width of 9.9 metres for the 18-metre corner lots, whereas a maximum driveway width is the width of the interior garage, plus 0.5 metres is permitted;

        4. Section 7.5.113 (a): To permit an interior side yard setback of 0.6 metres on one side, whereas an interior side yard setback on both sides of 1.2 metres is required;

        5. Section 5.28(i): To permit a minimum distance between the driveway and the intersection of street lines of 6 metres, whereas a minimum distance of 9 metres is permitted;

        6. Section 5.35 (a): To permit a minimum size of a sight triangle of 5 metres at the intersection of local streets in a Residential Zone, whereas a minimum size of sight triangle at the intersection of local streets in a Residential Zone of 6 metres is permitted;

        7. Section 7.5.113 (a): To permit a rear yard setback of 6 metres, whereas a rear yard setback of 7 metres is required.

      2. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A25-24 be subject to the following term(s):

        1. That the proposed subdivision be constructed in general conformity with Attachment 3 to Report DS-2025-0004, in accordance with the relief recommended to be approved in Recommendation 2a);

The February 3, 2025 meeting is cancelled. The next meeting will be February 19, 2025.