Special Council Minutes

Meeting #:
Town of Georgina Civic Centre
26557 Civic Centre Rd.
Keswick, ON
Members of Council Present:
  • Mayor Margaret Quirk
  • Regional Councillor Davison
  • Councillor Biggerstaff
  • Councillor Fellini
  • Councillor Neeson
  • Councillor Genge
  • Councillor Dale
Staff Present:
  • Ryan Cronsberry, CAO
  • Denis Beaulieu, Director of Development Services
  • Rob Wheater, Deputy CAO/Treasurer
  • Ron Jenkins, Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief
  • Mamata Baykar, Deputy Clerk
  • Carolyn Lance, Council Services Coordinator
  • Alan Drozd, Manager of Planning Policy
  • Connor McBride, Senior Development Planner
  • Karyn Stone, Manager, Economic Development & Tourism
  • Michael Iampietro, Manager, Development Engineering
Others Present:
  • Alex Demoe, EA to Mayor and Council

    Vikum Wegiriya, Development Engineering Inspector

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of the Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”

A moment of meditation was observed.

As noted above

  • Official opening of the Community Fridge located at the Georgina Ice Palace in joint partnership between the Food Pantry and the Town of Georgina, donated to by York Regional Police; the community fridge motto is 'put in what you can, take what you need'
  • Menorah lighting held in Jackson's Point

Item No. 10.1.b; Report No. DS-2023-0096, 'Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications, 2833367 Ontario Ltd., 232 Cameron Crescent'

Item No. 12.2.b(b); Briefing Note regarding further amendments to Administrative Monetary Penalty Bylaw No. 2022-0052 (REG-1) as amended

Item No. 16.3, Bylaw 2023-0093 (REG-1), further amendments to Administrative Monetary Penalty Bylaw No. 2022-0052 (REG-1) as amended

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2023-0425
    Moved ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByCouncillor Neeson

    That the December 13, 2023 Special Council agenda, with the following addendum items, be adopted;

    Item No. 10.1.b; Report No. DS-2023-0096, 'Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications, 2833367 Ontario Ltd., 232 Cameron Crescent'

    Item No. 12.2.b(b); Briefing Note regarding further amendments to Administrative Monetary Penalty Bylaw No. 2022-0052 (REG-1) as amended

    Item No. 16.3, Bylaw 2023-0093 (REG-1), further amendments to Administrative Monetary Penalty Bylaw No. 2022-0052 (REG-1) as amended

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2023-0426
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That the following minutes be adopted as presented:

To be heard during upcoming public meeting discussion


Mayor Quirk explained the procedure for a public meeting.

2833367 Ontario Ltd.

Lots 1 to 15, Block A and Doreda Drive, Plan 447, and Lot 5 and Part of Lots 6 and 8, Plan 170, 232 Cameron Crescent, Keswick

AGENT:  Cortel Group c/o Elena Teryohin

Report No. DS-2023-0096

(Advisement:  Report circulated via Addendum as Item 10.1.b)

Owner; 2833367 Ontario Ltd, c/o Peter Cortellucci

Applicant: Cortel Group, c/o Elena Teryohin

Lots 1 to 15, Block A and Doreda Drive, Plan 447, and Lot 5 and Part of Lots 6 and 8, Plan 170, 232 Cameron Crescent, Keswick, File Nos 02.207/03.1180

AGENT:  Innovative Planning Solutions, c/o Kevin Bechard

Report No. DS-2023-0096

Kevin Bechard, Senior Associate with IPS Planning Consulting, agent for the applicant, co-presenting with Linas Saplys of Saplys Architecture, provided an overview of the proposal;

  • 3.5 hectares or 8.6 acres, mixed commercial and residential building proposal, total building height of 20 stories on residential component including a 4.5 storey residential podium mixed with 2.5 stories of parking.  Green roof on most of development, 40% of site is publicly accessible open space with trail system, lookout and wetland area.
  • commercial component is 800 square metres of tourist, restaurant and office uses  
  • residential component is 380 units, from 500 to 1,200 square feet attainable housing 
  • 490 parking spaces, approximately 1.29 spaces per unit, shared parking between residential, commercial and visitor parking
  • located in a strategic growth area, encouraging higher mix of residential densities, integration of commercial uses, tourist functions supporting the commercial uses
  • proposing to increase residential height to a maximum of 20 stories; point tower designed to manage shadowing impacts and provide for an attractive style of building
  • Open Space designations represent about 40% of the site, one for public access, access to the lake and lookout on the west side, and boardwalk on the perimeter of wetland area, the other on the south site is a wetland and to be enhanced

Linas Saplys indicated that this would be an iconic building to be a beacon from the lake and the surrounding area

  • commercial component to be on the marina side
  • all traffic removed and put inside the building allowing for the creation of more greenspace
  • buildings are designed to be used as a public area, with a parking garage and 4 stories of residential units above, matching the previous design footprint, the tower is set back into the site 
  • tower operates like a pendulum, very thin, limiting shadowing
  • fish scale finish on outside to blend into the location and the position on the waterfront

Connor McBride, Senior Development Planner, provided a brief overview of the applications for 232 Cameron Crescent;

  • 380 apartment dwelling units, 7-storey podium, 20-storey tower, 402 dedicated resident parking spaces, 31 dedicated visitor parking spaces, 808 square metres of commercial space, 57 dedicated commercial parking spaces, outdoor privately owned public space surrounding the commercial building, indoor above-grade private amenity space
  • initial 2008 elevations of massing of two buildings approximately 5 or 6 stories in height; new massing indicates one building with a portion 20 stories in height; increasing maximum height to 28.25 metres for the podium and 72.25 metres for 20-storey tower
  • maximum density requested to be increased
  • proposed zoning; site-specific Medium Density Urban Residential, site-specific General Commercial and site-specific Open Space
  • Maskinonge Urban Centre is not one of the areas contemplated to contain high rise residential development
  • insufficient servicing allocation available
  • recommend application be refused or brought back for further consideration

Michael Garvey, 195 Cameron Crescent, advised that his main concern is the additional traffic the new building will attract to Cameron Crescent being a narrow street with no sidewalks, in addition to the commercial traffic it will generate, and the issues and safety concerns that will create; a balance of growth and safety is needed.  

Kelly Wood, 220 Cameron Crescent, advised that the road is legally a lane and indicated his concerns with regard to potential shadowing of his home, proposed size of the units and potential use as Airbnb an VRBO rentals, boardwalks as opposed to natural shoreline, removal of mature trees, sensitivity of the site, increased traffic and need for a traffic light, excessive height, lack of parking for size and number of units.  He indicated support of the development of the site but it needs to be a development that is acceptable for surrounding homeowners, developers and the Town.

Mark Drakup, 57 Chartwell Crescent, advised that he is encouraged that another development is proposed on the subject property, approves the vision, concurs with the previous speaker on some points, strongly encourages continued discussions, local residents should have largest input, subject property is a unique property and should be dealt with as such.

Danielle Ganter-Mathias, 243 Cameron Crescent, advised that her property looks onto the subject property and concurs with previous points, has concerns with potential traffic issues, public access to the site, safety for people on bicycles, walking, children, no sidewalk, losing well established trees, potential creation of water and septic system issues and backflow, overshadowing and Airbnb potential and accompanying noise.

Kevin Bechard;

  • previous proposed project was for four buildings including a 7-storey hotel, parking structure, 3-storey commercial building, very little landscaping
  • current proposal saves land for open space
  • 20 stories, sizes of 380 units reduced due to increase in cost per square footage
  • condominium corporation does not permit Airbnb units
  • York Region has advised a traffic light will be installed at top of Cameron Crescent and The Queensway once the project moves forward
  • will be shadow-casting, prepared to work with staff 
  • aware of engineering concerns, have gone to extraordinary lengths to make the site as natural as possible.  A lot of the waterfront was restructured under the previous proponent. 
  • reconstruction of Cameron Crescent is part of the application, includes sidewalks, updated sewer and water systems
  • LEED aspect of the property is still possible
  • piles driven for previous proposal will substantiate the 20 stories, a small amount of additional piles to be driven based on small expansion of garage, less occupancy than with previous proposal, boardwalk will be public with playground, community areas, gym, private beach, docks will be reinstated, green roof to be year-round, cost of public boardwalk requested by Town is offset by the number of units proposed

Mayor Quirk suggested the applicant commit to; 1) not requesting a rebate after the 120-day timeframe, and 2) for a reasonable length of time, not moving to the appeal process based on a non-decision.

Kevin Bechard indicated that he obtained direction from the applicant in terms of the suggestion made to defer the decision and is proposing a 90-day deferral period to be added to the end of the January 17th expiry date, with possibly an extension if discussions go well.  There is an interest in having this dialogue and the opportunity being extended for that is appreciated.  The applicant would prefer to work with staff to address the issues being raised.

Denis Beaulieu; recommendation is born out of being bound by legislation which mandates fee refunds and appeal timelines, staff prefers to work with the applicants and residents to resolve as many issues as possible.  Staff is willing to continue to work with the applicant until approximately the middle of April of next year, expecting resolution of many issues by that time.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2023-0427
    Moved ByCouncillor Fellini
    Seconded ByCouncillor Neeson

    1.   That Council receive Report No. DS-2023-0096, prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department dated December 13, 2023, respecting Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of 2833367 Ontario Ltd., for the property municipally addressed as 232 Cameron Crescent, Keswick and legally described as Lots 1 to 15, Block A and Doreda Drive, Plan 447, and Lot 5 and Part of Lots 6 and 8, Plan 170,

    2.   That Staff report back to Council by April 16, 2024 with an update on how the matters identified in Report DS-2023-0096 have been satisfactorily addressed by the applicant, including any additional matters raised by the public and/or Council at the statutory public meeting; and,

    3.   That Staff provide written notice of the next Council meeting, a minimum of two weeks in advance of the date of said meeting, to the following:

    a.  Any person or public body that has requested to be notified of any future public meetings); and,

    b.   Any person or public body that has requested to be notified of Council’s decision regarding the approval or refusal of the subject applications.

    Carried Unanimously
  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2023-0428
    Moved ByRegional Councillor Davison
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That Council receive the General Information items for December 13, 2023.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2023-0429
    Moved ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByCouncillor Genge

    That Council receive the briefing note requesting bylaws be adopted to establish Part of Lots 3 and 4, Concession 3 (NG), designated as Parts 1,2,3,4,7 and 8 on Plan 65R-40562, being part of what will eventually become the road allowance for Garrett Styles Drive, as public highway.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2023-0430
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That Council receive the briefing note referring to a minor amendment required to the Administrative Monetary Penalty Bylaw No. 2022-0052 (REG-1) to designate the new Consolidated Parking Bylaw No. 2023-0087 (TR-1) as a designated bylaw for enforcement through Administrative Monetary Penalties.

  • Regional budget to be finalized next week; 3.75% increase
  • Moved ByRegional Councillor Davison
    Seconded ByCouncillor Genge

    That the meeting adjourn at 8:55pm
