The Agent Jenna Wenzel from GSP Group spoke to the Application.
Monika Sadler, Planner I did a presentation on the Application.
There were no Public Comments or Speakers on this application.
Committee Member Whitney stated that the site plan agreement was completed in 2018, it was questioned on why the application is being completed now and not back in 2018. Jenna Wenzel, GSP Group advised that she didn’t have too much backstory, she took over this file a year ago. Ms. Wenzel advised that they have been working with the client to get this easement application in.
Committee Member Whitney confirmed that people are driving in there, clarification was requested on if this is just to clean up title. Ms. Wenzel advised that the easement is to just add on to the existing access; there is nothing blocking access. They are just making sure everything is clean and done legally.
Following the vote, Committee Chair John Rogers advised that the application is approved subject to a 20-day appeal period and two years to meet all conditions.