Councillor Biggerstaff declared a conflict with Item No. 16.1, Zoning Bylaw Number 500-2024-0007, as she is a newly registered officiant with the ability to gain income from the applicant's Special Event Venue; Councillor Biggerstaff did not take part in any discussion or vote on this item.
Councillor Dale declared a conflict with Item No. 16.1, Zoning Bylaw Number 500-2024-0007, as he leases another property owned by the applicant; Councillor Dale did not take part in any discussion or vote on this item.
Moved by Councillor Genge
Seconded by Councillor Davison
That the following bylaw be adopted;
1. Bylaw Number 500-2024-0007 (PL-5) amending Bylaw No. 500 to permit an on-farm diversified use, specifically a Special Event Venue, Visvapriya Saravanamutta, 27909 Highway 48
Moved by Councillor Genge
Seconded by Councillor Fellini
That the following bylaws be adopted;