Council Minutes

Meeting #:
Town of Georgina Civic Centre
26557 Civic Centre Rd.
Keswick, ON
Members of Council Present:
  • Mayor Margaret Quirk
  • Regional Councillor Davison
  • Councillor Biggerstaff
  • Councillor Fellini
  • Councillor Neeson
  • Councillor Genge
  • Councillor Dale
Staff Present:
  • Ryan Cronsberry, CAO
  • Denis Beaulieu, Director of Development Services
  • Steve Lee-Young, Director of Community Services
  • Michael Bigioni, Director of Legislative Services, Town Solicitor
  • Ron Jenkins, Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief
  • Rob Wheater, Deputy CAO/Treasurer
  • Shawn Nastke, Director, Strategic Initiatives
  • Michael Vos, Director of Operations and Infrastructure
  • Rachel Dillabough, Town Clerk
  • Carolyn Lance, Council Services Coordinator
  • Cheyenne McAnuff, Records and Information Coordinator
  • Anne Winstanley, Supervisor, Communications
  • Dina Havkin, Manager of Finance and Deputy Treasurer
  • Geoff Harrison, Manager, Taxation, Revenue & Customer Service
  • Karyn Stone, Manager, Economic Development & Tourism
  • Kelly Atkinson, Head, Human Resources
  • Mike Hutchinson, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement
  • Stirling Munro, Manager of Procurement
  • Tanya Thompson, Communications Manager
  • Tolek Makarewicz, Senior Policy Planner

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”

  • Council recognized the August 11th passing of Joyce Kingdon, Receptionist at the Town of Georgina Civic Centre for many years
  • Council recognized the recent passing of Wes Bonner, a dedicated York Regional Police Officer for over 40 years

As noted above

  • Council was advised of two Georgina residents who competed in the Paris 2024 Olympics; Chloe Daniels (Silver in Women's Rugby 7s) and Shannon Westlake (Shooting)
  • Saturday, August 17, Field to Table event, 10am to 4pm, six farms participating
  • Saturday, September 7, Mayor's Charity Motorcycle Ride benefitting the Sutton Legion, 10am start from the ROC Chalet
  • Saturday, August 17, GTTI Fun Fair, 10am to 4pm
  • Saturday, August 17, Uptown Keswick 'Music in the Parkette', 3pm to 7pm
  • Thursday, August 15, Tribute to Oscar Peterson at the Georgina Centre for Arts and Culture, 6pm start
  • August 20, Fall registration for fall programming workshops begins at Georgina Centre for Arts and Culture
  • Saturday, August 24, Roller Derby, Sutton Arena
  • Saturday, August 24, Vendor's Market at Jackson's Point Parkette
  • Jennifer Yapa, Supervisor, Animal Shelter, introduced Suzie, Sammie and Stevie, 3 chihuahua puppies found August 2nd in a ditch in East Gwillimbury, now rescued and available for adoption.  To avoid animal abandonment, Ms. Yapa advised that resources for surrendering animals for rehoming include animal shelters and veterinary offices, local rescues, as well as online resources.
  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0246
    Moved ByCouncillor Fellini
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    That the August 14, 2024 Council agenda be adopted as presented.


Councillor Dale declared a conflict with Item 7.3, Council Minutes of July 10, 2024 which reference his declared conflict with an item discussed on that date.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0247
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That the following minutes be adopted as presented:

  • Councillor Dale declared a conflict with Item 7.3, Council Minutes of July 10, 2024 which indicate a declared conflict with an item discussed on that date; Councillor Dale did not participate in nor vote on the adoption of the July 10, 2024 Council Minutes.

    RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0248
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That the following minutes be adopted;

    3.  Council Minutes of July 10, 2024


Mayor Quirk moved forward Item 8.2 at this time.

Mary Ann Cooper, Chair of the Board of Directors, and Danyal Ahmed, Treasurer, Georgina Centre for Arts and Culture, provided a presentation regarding the Centre, a non-profit charitable organization for which funding for operations is a constant challenge, with grant requirements often directed towards project funding and currently operating above capacity.  Ms. Cooper requested five-year dedicated funding to create a stable operational foundation to allow them to continue refining and expanding its programming and a new Municipal Capital and Building Agreement for an additional 10 years.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0249
    Moved ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    That Council receive the presentation provided by Mary Ann Cooper and Danyal Ahmed regarding the growth and programming expansion of the Georgina Centre for Arts and Culture and requesting the Town provide five-year dedicated funding to create a stable operational foundation and a new Municipal Capital and Building Agreement for another 10 years, and refer the requests to the Chief Administrative Officer to schedule discussions with the Centre's representatives.


Niall Stocking provided general information on Automated Speed Enforcement which increases traffic safety, minimize collisions and decreases potential harm; cameras will be located in community safety zones and will capture license plates of vehicles travelling at a prescribed threshold greater than the posted speed limit and issued to the registered plate holder.  A map will be available to the public to indicate the locations of cameras which will rotate through community safety zones where people are speeding at three-month intervals.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0250
    Moved ByCouncillor Fellini
    Seconded ByCouncillor Neeson

    That Council receive the presentation providing an introduction to Automated Speed Enforcement which is to be implemented in the Town of Georgina to increase traffic safety, minimize collision and decrease potential harm.


Dr. Brian Ginn and Don Goodyear of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority provided information on glue-green alga blooms that occur in Lake Simcoe and the potential danger they represent.  Climate change is part of the solution, along with the reduction of the amount of phosphorus going into the lake.  Residents were requested to report any blooms to the Conservation Authority's toll-free line.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0251
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    That Council receive the presentation by Dr. Brian Ginn and Don Goodyear of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority regarding blue-green alga blooms that occur in Lake Simcoe and the potential danger they represent.




  • Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That the following motions be adopted:

Report No. DCAO-2024-0012

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0252
    1. That Council receive Report No. DCAO-2024-0012 prepared by the Financial Strategy and Planning Division of the Office of the Deputy CAO dated August 14, 2024 regarding consulting services to update the development charges background study and bylaw.
    2. That Council approve a new capital project for the consulting services to update the development charges background study and bylaw, with a budget of $70,000 to be funded by Development Charges.

Report No. CSD-2024-0015

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0253
    1. That Council receive Report No. CSD-2024-0015 prepared by the Community Service Department dated August 14, 2024, respecting Municipal Asset Naming Policy – Paul Higgins and Annabel Slaight Roches Point Community Eco Park.   


    2. That Council adopt the proposed recommendation from the Municipal Asset Naming Review Team to rename the Roches Point Eco Park to Paul Higgins and Annabel Slaight Roches Point Community Eco Park. 


  • Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Neeson

    That the Council meeting recess at 10:04am


    The Council meeting reconvened at 10:20am

Adoption Of Reports Not Requiring Separate Discussion


Report No. DS-2024-0049

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0254
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    1. That Council receive Report DS-2024-0049 prepared by the Development Services Department dated August 14, 2024 respecting the preparation of a Housing Needs Assessment in order to access funding through the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) and the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF); and,


    2. That Council approve a budget of up to $50,000 from the Town’s Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve to retain a consultant to prepare a Housing Needs Assessment in compliance with the requirements of the federal government, for approval by Council and submission to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) by March 31, 2025.



    DIRECTION; That staff submit an internal briefing note prior to the award of the tender to explain the process and confirm that due diligence has been conducted by staff

Report No. DCAO-2024-0011

Andrew Mirabella of Hemson Consulting Limited provided an overview of input and results of the water and wastewater rate study.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0255
    Moved ByRegional Councillor Davison
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    1. That Council receive Report No. DCAO-2024-0011 prepared by the Financial Strategy and Planning Division of the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Department dated August 14, 2024, respecting the Water and Wastewater Draft Rate Study;


    2. That Council receive the presentation regarding the Water and Wastewater Draft Rate Study prepared by Hemson Consulting Limited;


    3. That Council discontinue the early payment discount in 2025 and endorse the draft rate increases presented in this report; and


    4. That Council direct staff to report back with the final rate study and financial plan in September 2024 for Council’s approval.


    Mayor Quirk moved forward and dealt with Item 16 at this time.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0256
    Moved ByRegional Councillor Davison
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That Council receive, endorse and refer the request from the Georgina Agricultural Advisory Committee to the appropriate staff to consider a hybrid meeting structure for Committees of Council and for the Georgina Library Board, as well as to consider the feasibility of conducting hybrid meetings from a Georgina library location.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0257
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That Council endorse the position of Loyalist Township encouraging the Province to create a Municipal Accessibility Fund in order for municipalities to meet the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0258
    Moved ByRegional Councillor Davison
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That Council declare December 6th as National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, agree to raise the purple flag to raise awareness against violence targeting women and to share the flag-raising event on social media platforms and participate in the formal in-person flag-raising during the  November 3rd 'Break the Silence Step in My Shoes' Walk event.




General Information Item (iii) was requested to be separated for discussion.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C0-2024-0259
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That Council receive the General Information items for the August 14, 2024 Council meeting with the exception of Item (iii) that has been removed for separate discussion.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0260
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    That Council receive General Information Item 12.2.a (iii) and endorse the Town of Bradford West Gwllimbury's position lobbying for the creation of province-wide long-service medals for police and paramedics, modelled after the existing such award for firefighters, and urging the Premier, Minister of Health, Solicitor General, Minister of Citizenship and our local MPP to work collaboratively to create such awards and that this motion be circulated under the Mayor's signature.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0261
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That Council receive the staff briefing note advising of the use of Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation of Canada grant funding to purchase a Digital Vehicular Repeater System for Rescue 189, designed to bring two-way portable radio communications to a critical incident, command post or special event.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0262
    Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That Council receive the staff briefing note providing an update on the Municipal Heritage Register Review project.

  • Pefferlaw Road has been reopened following completion of the bridge construction
  • Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That Council convene into Closed Session at 11:50am to deal with the following matter(s):

    1. APPROVAL OF 2024 CLOSED SESSION MINUTES; January 17 and 24, February 7 and 14, March 6 and 27, April 10 and 24, May 29
    2. LABOUR RELATIONS OR EMPLOYEE NEGOTIATIONS, Section 239(2)(d), MA; C.U.P.E. Bargaining

  • Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Genge

    That Council reconvene at 12:20pm and report on matters discussed in closed session.

  • RESOLUTION NO C-2024-0263
    Moved ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    In regard to Closed Session Item 17.1.a under Section 239(2) (c) of the Municipal Act being adoption of 2024 Closed Session minutes,

    • That Council adopt the following 2024 Closed Session minutes; January 17, January 24, February 7, February 14, March 6, March 27, April 10, April 24 and May 29.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0264
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    In regard to Closed Session Item 17.1.b under Section 239(2)(d) of the Municipal Act being labour relations or employee negotiations, regarding C.U.P.E. bargaining;

    1. That staff be directed to proceed accordingly.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0265
    Moved ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    In regard to Closed Session Item 17.1.c under Section 239(2)(d) of the Municipal Act being labour relations or employee negotiations, regarding GPFF bargaining;

    1. That Council receive the update provided.

  • Moved ByRegional Councillor Davison
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That the following bylaw be adopted;

  • Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Genge

    That the meeting adjourn at 12:21pm
