Committee of Adjustment Minutes

Meeting #:
Town of Georgina Civic Centre
26557 Civic Centre Rd.
Keswick, ON
Members of Committee Present:
  • John Rogers, Chair
  • Lynda Rogers
  • Joseph Bonello
  • Chris Burns
Members of Committee Absent:
  • Karen Whitney
Staff Present:
  • Janet Porter, Manager of Development Planning
  • Monika Sadler, Planner I
  • Brianna Raines
  • Jeff Healey, Supervisor of Development Planning

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of the Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”

As noted above

Brianna Raines, Secretary-Treasurer to the Committee of Adjustment read the explanation of hearing procedure. 

The Agent, Laura LaPierre spoke to the application.

Monika Sadler, Planner I, did a presentation on the application.

There were no other public speakers or comments.

Joseph Bonello, Member, asked if Hydro One requested a drawing of the panel in location with the meter brace. Laura LaPierre advised that they had Hydro One come out to the property, Hydro One advised that they had no problem with the relocated meter to the house, Laura confirmed that she had an email stating this. She confirmed that Hydro One advised that they do not have to move the Hydro meter back to the garage.

  • Moved ByChris Burns
    Seconded ByLynda Rogers
    1. That the Committee of Adjustment receive Report No. DS-2024-0063 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department, dated November 4, 2024, respecting Minor Variance Application A24-24, for the property municipally addressed as 38 Klimek Boulevard; and,

    2. That in the event no public or Committee concerns are raised at the meeting warranting investigation and a further meeting, Staff recommend the following:

      1. That the Committee of Adjustment approve Minor Variance Application A24-24 to permit relief from the following:

        1. Section 5.1(b): To permit the construction of an accessory structure in the front yard, whereas an accessory structure shall not be erected in any yard other than in an interior side yard or rear yard.

        2. Section 5.1 (b): To permit the construction of an accessory structure to be located a minimum of 1.7 metres from the existing dwelling, whereas a minimum setback of 2.0 metres is required.

        3. Section 5.1(d): To legalize the existing rear yard setback of the existing rear framed shed of 0.7 metres; whereas 1m is required.

        4. Section 5.1(d): To legalize the existing west interior side yard setback of the existing rear framed shed of 0.6 metres; whereas 1m is required.

      2. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A24-24 be subject to the following term(s):

        1. That the proposed addition be constructed in general conformity with Attachment 3 to Report DS-2024-0063, in accordance with the relief recommended to be approved in Recommendation 2a);

    Carried Unanimously

The Agent, Deborah Alexander, spoke to the application.

Monika Sadler, Planner I, made a presentation on the application.

There were two written comments.

A Resident, Cathy Rozema, spoke in regard to the application. She was looking for clarification on reducing the planting strip and fence maintenance.

There were no other public speakers.

Chris Burns, member stated the parking study was over three days in late May and early June, he was wondering if this was an adequate study. Monika Sadler, Planner I, advised that a parking study is required, she advised that she does not believe that the marina is in use, and wasn’t to be used on the property, we have amended it to only use the boat slips. Given that we have only looked at the standpoint of the Boston Pizza as well as the patio, we believe it is accurate for the current use and projected use of the property.

Chris Burns, Member then asked for the multi-tenant building, how do you stop more restaurants from moving into the units. He then asked the study and numbers produced is for non-restaurant uses in the middle units, how do you control that in Georgina if they are proposing a restaurant in the middle units. Janet Porter, Manager of Development Planning, advised that we would require them to comply with the Zoning By-Law. It will be reviewed by the Zoning Examiners, when the building permit comes in for the use. They would have to provide proof that they have enough parking on the property.

Joe Bonello, member asked what the seating capacity will be in the restaurants, will there be ample parking for these, and will the other units be medical units / retail units are these units going to have people parked for a significant amount of time. He then questioned will this be efficient to deal with the parking needs.

Deborah Alexander, Agent advised to the best of my knowledge the tenants have not been finalized and she was unsure if medical uses are permitted on the property.  Monika Sadler, Planner I advised that under the By-law health care clinic is permitted.

Joe Bonello then asked if the by-law stipulates seating capacity of the restaurants by size.  

Monika Sadler, Planner I advised that it does in 5.2 (a) of the Zoning By-Law, it has the number of parking spaces required on the space of 95 square metres, we used what was calculated in the parking study the Zoning Examiners concluded that the restaurant would be at 10 car spaces per 95 square metre’s for the two restaurants in the multi-unit.

Aaron Clodd, Development Manager to the Application, advised that no leases have been signed yet as they wanted to wait for the Minor Variance approval, he advised that the middle units could be used for a food counter service.

John Rogers, Chair, stated that the parking study specifically talks about the units 2-5 are not restaurants, if it is counter serve than it is a restaurant use. The requirement is 5.5 parking spaces for non-restaurant use and 10 parking spaces for restaurant use. This will restrict those units to non-restaurant use.

Janet Porter, Manager of Development Planning advised that when the building permit application comes in, we will have a better understanding of the units proposed, it will determine the amount of parking as there is no particular use as of yet.

John Rogers, Chair, advised that ten (10) slips are to be rented out, the parking study is based on no calculations for the marina. He then asked what the impact of this is is as the parking study covers the use of the property. Deborah Alexander advised that the intent was to not have the boat slips, staff advised that there were eleven extra spaces, if the boat slips remain then parking will not be required for them. Monika Sadler, Planner I, agreed that it was approved along those bases.

John Rogers, Chair, asked on the planting strip is there a way we can tie it down to that specific piece of land that is reduced, so in the Notice of Decision we can restrict it down. Janet Porter confirmed that it can be indicated on a schedule to the Notice of Decision.

  • Moved ByChris Burns
    1. That the Committee of Adjustment receive Report No. DS-2024-0064 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department, dated November 4, 2024, respecting Minor Variance Application A18-24, for the property municipally addressed as 253 and 253B The Queensway South; and,

    2. That in the event no public or Committee concerns are raised at the meeting warranting investigation and a further meeting, Staff recommend the following:

      1. That the Committee of Adjustment approve Minor Variance Application A18-24 to permit relief from the following:

        1. Section 5.28 (b): To permit a minimum of one-hundred and sixteen (116) parking spaces; whereas a minimum of one-hundred and forty-four (144) parking spaces are required

        2. Section 5.31 (a): To permit a minimum planting strip width of 2.5 metres along the rear lot line abutting properties zoned Residential; whereas a minimum planting strip width of 3.0 metres is required

        3. Section 5.28(i): To permit a minimum drive aisle width of 6 metres for two-way drive aisles providing direct, 90-degree access to parking spaces; whereas a minimum width of 7.0 metres is required

      2. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A18-24 be subject to the following term(s):

        1. That the marina use only be used as boat slips and that only 10 of the boat slips shall be used as seasonal rental boat slips, while the remaining 53 shall only be used as day boat slips for visitors by boat; and

        2. That the proposed addition be constructed in general conformity with Attachment 2 to Report DS-2024-0064, in accordance with the relief recommended to be approved in Recommendation 2a);

      3. That the approval of Minor Variance Application A18-24 be subject to the following condition(s):

        1. Submission to the Secretary-Treasurer of written confirmation from the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) that all matters identified in Attachment 4 to Report No. DS-2024-0064 have been addressed to the satisfaction of the LSRCA; and

        2. That the above-noted conditions be fulfilled within two (2) years of the date of the Notice of Decision.

The minutes for October 7, 2024 were adopted. 

  • Moved ByLynda Rogers
    Seconded ByChris Burns

    Carried Unanimously


The 2025 Committee of Adjustment Schedule was sent to the Committee members. Janet Porter introduced the Committee members to the new Supervisor of Planning Jeff Healey. 

The next meeting is November 18, 2024.

The next meeting is November 18, 2024.

Meeting was adjourned.