Council Minutes

Meeting #:
Town of Georgina Civic Centre
26557 Civic Centre Rd.
Keswick, ON
Members of Council Present:
  • Mayor Margaret Quirk
  • Regional Councillor Davison
  • Councillor Biggerstaff
  • Councillor Fellini
  • Councillor Neeson
  • Councillor Genge
  • Councillor Dale
Staff Present:
  • Ryan Cronsberry, CAO
  • Denis Beaulieu, Director of Development Services
  • Rob Wheater, Deputy CAO/Treasurer
  • Mamata Baykar, Deputy Clerk
  • Carolyn Lance, Council Services Coordinator
  • Cheyenne McAnuff, Records and Information Coordinator
  • Alan Drozd, Manager of Planning Policy
  • Brittany Dobrindt, Planner I

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”

  • Council recognized the recent passing of former Ward Councillor and member of our community, Stephen Pallett.  Flags have been lowered to half-mast, visitation to be held at Forrest & Taylor Funeral Home Thursday, April 4th and Celebration of Life to be held at the Egypt Hall on Friday, April 5th

As noted above

  • Easter weekend March 29th to March 31st
  • Easter Egg Swim at the MURC
  • RESOLUTION C-2024-0088
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That the March 27, 2024 Council agenda be adopted as presented.

  • Councillor Dale declared an interest in Item No. 17.1.b, adoption of the closed session minutes of August 2, 2023, as a family member applied to become a member of one of the Committees

Elisa Dong, 65 Tim Jacobs Dr, Keswick, addressed Council concerning Item 11.1.a, concerning the location of the wetlands and the need for accurate GPS mapping of same, reconsideration of the current location of the 100-year flood line and regional floodline in terms of climate change and flooding impact, as well as the need to determine accurate stormwater and sewage plans data.  A sober second look at the documentation in regard to the environment may be warranted.

Denis Beaulieu indicated that he appreciates the review and his staff will have a second look, particularly with the Conservation Authority which has the majority of authority over a number of components involved with this development proposal, noting that the detailed design work has not been completed and proposal details are addressed through the site plan approval processapproved.

Alex Smith, Agent for the applicant, provided clarification on the survey work.

  • RESOLUTION C-2024-0089
    Moved ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That Council receive the delegation provided by Elisa Dong outlining her concerns with the proposal, specifically the location and the need for accurate GPS mapping of the wetland, reconsideration of the current location of the 100-year flood line and regional flood line in terms of climate change and flooding impacts and the need for accurate stormwater and sewage plans date.





Part of Lot 6, Concession 3 (NG), Parts 5 and 6, Plan 65R-35183, Dovedale Drive, Keswick

File No. 03.1182

Report No. DS-2024-0012

Denis Beaulieu;

  • explained the Region's Development Charge deferral agreement process to ensure affordable rental units, using 20-year commitment as a minimum for the length of agreements
  • Site Plan process is not a public meeting but Town staff will maintain contact with the interested resident
  • not aware of further concerns from the Chippewas of Georgina island; Provincial requirements do not include an obligation for consultation with indigenous communities prior to archeological studies being completed, consultations will take place if something arises as a result of the investigations
  • RESOLUTION C-2024-0090
    Moved ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini
    1. That Council receive Report DS-2024-0012 prepared by the Development Planning Division, Development Services Department dated March 27, 2024 respecting an application to amend Zoning By-law No. 500 submitted by Michael Smith Planning Consultants; Development Coordinators Ltd. on behalf of Greengate Village Limited for lands on the south side of Dovedale Drive, Keswick;
    2. That Council approve the application submitted by Michael Smith Planning Consultants; Development Coordinators Ltd. on behalf of Greengate Village Limited to amend Zoning By-law No. 500 to rezone the subject lands from Rural (RU) to site-specific Medium Density Urban Residential (R3-71) and Open Space (OS-131);
    3. That the amending Zoning By-law contain the site-specific provisions as outlined in Attachment 5 to Report DS-2024-0012;
    4. That Council acknowledges that there have been revisions to the proposed Zoning By-law since the February 14, 2023 public meeting and that in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act has determined these revisions to be minor and not requiring an additional public meeting;
    5. That the future Site Plan Agreement contain provisions restricting the tenure of the development to purpose-built rental for a minimum of 20 years from the permitted date of occupancy under the Ontario Building Code, and further that a restriction (restrictive covenant) be registered on title restricting the tenure to rental for a minimum period of 20 years from the permitted date of occupancy under the Ontario Building Code;
    6. That Council reserve 54.8 persons equivalent of Sanitary Sewer and Water Allocation for the proposed development from Category 7- Purpose Built Rental for a period of up to 2 years, and that the reserved servicing allocation be formally committed and assigned by the Director of Development Services upon the issuance of Site Plan approval and building permits;
    7. That the reserved servicing allocation be automatically rescinded in the event that a complete Site Plan application has not been submitted to the Town by March 24, 2025 and/or that a building permit application(s) has not been submitted to the Town by March 24, 2026; and,
    8. That Council authorize the conveyance and acceptance of the Open Space/Environmental lands on the site to the Town at no charge and for no parkland credit at the Site Plan Approval stage.

  • RESOLUTION C-2024-0091
    Moved ByCouncillor Neeson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That correspondence from the York Regional Police Services Board requesting support of its position regarding improving First Responder Communications through Ontario's Building Code, be referred to the CAO's office for involvement of the appropriate staff.

  • General Information Items (v), (x) and (xvii) were requested to be separated and discussed separately.

    RESOLUTION C-2024-0092
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Neeson

    That the balance of the General Information Items for the March 27, 2024 Council agenda be received.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0093
    Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    That Council support the position of the Town of Lincoln regarding the urgent need for increased funding to libraries and museums in Ontario.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That Council support the position by the Town of Orangeville, supported by the Town of Grimsby, requesting the Provincial government to urgently at least double Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program Financial Assistance Rates to inflation and commit to ongoing cost of living increases above and beyond the rate of inflation to make up for the years they were frozen.


    Deferral Motion Took Precedence
  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0094
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByRegional Councillor Davison

    That the correspondence from the Town of Grimsby, supporting the motion by Prince Edward County and the Town of Orangeville requesting the Provincial Government to at least double Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program rates and index rates to inflation, be deferred pending the CAO's office determining the position taken by York Regional Community Health Services/Social Services on this issue.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0095
    Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dale

    That Council endorse the Town of Cobourg's position requesting the Premier of Ontario and Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism to amend subsection 27(16) of Bill 23 by extending the removal of non-designated properties from the Heritage Register by five years, from January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2030 for property evaluation purposes.

  • Informative updates on new Hwy 413 and the Bradford Bypass
  • York Region to forward correspondence to the Federal Government regarding the  CMHC Housing Accelerator Funding requesting an explanation and understanding as to why the Northern 6 funding applications were unsuccessful compared to the southern municipalities
  • Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That Council convene into Closed Session at 7:40pm to deal with the following matter(s):

    1. PERSONAL MATTERS ABOUT AN IDENTIFABLE INDIVIDUAL, INCLUDING MUNICIPAL OR LOCAL BOARD EMPLOYEES, Section 239(2)(b), MA; Confidential Attachment to Report No. LS-2024-0009, Item No. 11.1.b on the open agenda)
    2. Adoption of Closed Session Minutes; August 2, 2023, September 20, 2023, October 4, 2023, October 25, 2023, November 8, 2023, December 5, 2023  

  • Moved ByCouncillor Genge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Biggerstaff

    That Council reconvene into Open Session at 7:47pm and report on matters discussed in Closed Session.

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0096
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Genge

    In regard to Closed Session Item 17.1.a under Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, being personal matters about an identifiable individual including municipal or local board employees regarding Confidential attachment to Report No. LS-2024-0009 pertaining to a Georgina Accessibility Advisory Committee Appointment to fill a vacancy for the 2022-2026 Term of Office;

    1. That Council receive the update and direct staff be directed to proceed accordingly and the Mayor and Clerk be assigned delegated authority to execute the necessary bylaw.
    2. That Report No. LS-2024-0009 prepared by the Clerk’s Division, Legislative Services, dated March 27, 2024, respecting an appointment to the Georgina Accessibility Advisory Committee, be received.
    3. That Council direct the Clerk’s Division to prepare the necessary bylaw to give effect to the appointment.
    4. That the appointment of the selected applicant by Council come into effect upon the passing of the appointment bylaw and acceptance of the appointment by the Committee Designate.

  • Councillor Dale declared an interest in Item No. 17.1.b, adoption of the closed session minutes of August 2, 2023, as a family member applied to become a member of one of the Committees.  Councillor Dale did not participate in any discussion or vote.

    RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0097
    Moved ByCouncillor Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    In regard to Closed Session Item 17.1.b being the adoption of Closed Session minutes, Councillor Dale previously declared a conflict of interest and will not be taking part in the vote to adopt the referenced minutes;

    • August 2, 2023

  • RESOLUTION NO. C-2024-0098
    Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Genge

    In regard to Closed Session Item 17.1.b, the adoption of Closed Session Minutes;

    1.   That Council adopt the following sets of Closed Session minutes;

    • September 20, 2023
    • October 4, 2023
    • October 25, 2023
    • November 8, 2023
    • December 5, 2023




Adoption Of Reports Not Requiring Separate Discussion


Report No. LS-2024-0009

  • Decision regarding Report No. LS-2024-0009 was dealt with as part of Resolution No. C-2022-XXXX, motion reporting out of Closed Session above.
  • Moved ByRegional Councillor Davison
    Seconded ByCouncillor Neeson

    That the following bylaw be adopted;

  • Moved ByCouncillor Dale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fellini

    That the Council meeting adjourn at 7:50pm
