Georgina Environmental Advisory Committee Minutes

Meeting #:
Town of Georgina Civic Centre
26557 Civic Centre Rd.
Keswick, ON
Members of Committee Present:
  • Dave Neeson
  • Mark Setter
  • Stephen Parker
  • Austin Rooney
Members of Committee Absent:
  • Lee Dale
  • Neil Comer
  • Mary-Lynn Seeley
Staff Present:
  • Hillary Thompson

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of the Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”

As noted above

  • RESOLUTION NO. GEAC2024-0006
    Moved ByMark Setter
    Seconded ByAustin Rooney

    That the February 27, 2024 Agenda be approved as presented.

  • RESOLUTION NO. GEAC2024-0007
    Moved ByAustin Rooney
    Seconded ByMark Setter

    That the Minutes of the Meeting held on January 30, 2024 be approved as presented.


Justine Burns from the Development Services Department to provide update.

As this is will also be used as an education tool, the Committee would like to see terms such as "tree damage", "critical root zones" and "heritage trees" defined. 

The Committee also recommended that the appraisal program in Aurora be further investigated to determine if Georgina can mirror some of their policies. Justine Burns is to bring back information from the Town of Aurora's tree policies and seek the Committee's input on findings at the meeting on April 2, 2024. 

The Committee would like to see a Tree Protection Bylaw be created, specifically surrounding matters pertaining to heritage trees and tree cutting on both private and public property.

The Committee would like review and have input surrounding the Town's compensation policy prior to implementation. 

The Committee requested that Development Services provide an update regarding Emerald Ash Borer Program at meeting on April 2, 2024.

  • RESOLUTION NO. GEAC2024-0008
    Moved ByAustin Rooney
    Seconded ByMark Setter

    That the presentation regarding Tree Preservation and Compensation Policy provided by Justine Burns of Development Services, be received as presented.


Simone Weinstein and Olga Lawton from Strategic Initiatives Division to provide update.

The Committee requested that Operations and Infrastructure come and speak about the Litter Trap Pilot Project at the meeting on April 2, 2024.

The Committee requested an updated on the Holland Marsh Phosphorous Removal Project. Councillor Dave Neeson updated the Committee, informing them that the Ministry is taking over the project with respect to its design. The Ministry will be conducting their own analysis and hope to increase the removal rates with the same original cost. The project is underway and a report should be coming out late Q2 of 2024, which will likely contain a good, better, best scenario.

  • RESOLUTION NO. GEAC2024-0009
    Moved ByAustin Rooney
    Seconded ByStephen Parker

    That the presentation regarding 2023-2027 Environmental Sustainability Initiatives provided by Olga Lawton and Simone Weinstein of Strategic Initiatives, be received as presented.




Tolek Makarewicz from the Development Services Department to answer Committee questions. 

Alan Drozd informed the Committee that this Bylaw has been appealed by two property owners. This Appeal will be going forth to Council on March 25, 2024. After this appeal, Town Staff will be bringing forth another report to Council in Q2 of 2024, which will provide further information regarding Staff recommendations surrounding this Bylaw. 

  • RESOLUTION NO. GEAC2024-0010
    Moved ByAustin Rooney
    Seconded ByMark Setter

    That the update regarding the Countryside Zoning Bylaw from Alan Drozd, Manager of Planning Policy, be received.

  • RESOLUTION NO. GEAC2024-0011
    Moved ByAustin Rooney
    Seconded ByStephen Parker

    That the meeting adjourn at 8:12pm.
