Kevin Pal, General Manager, Social Services Branch, York Region, provided an overview of the Housing and Homelessness System, outlining York Region's role as Service Manager, responding to homelessness in York Region and Georgina;
- York Region is one of 47 Service Managers responsible for housing and homelessness in Ontario and is responsible for the planning, development, implementation and delivery of housing and homelessness-related services across the Region under the Housing Services Act, 2011
- Provincial goal to prevent and address homelessness, reduce chronic homelessness, Federal goal to reduce chronic homelessness nationally by 50% by 2027/28
- York Region's 10-year housing and homelessness plan to increase the supply of affordable and rental housing, assist people to find and keep housing, strengthen the housing and homelessness system
- provided data on homelessness in York Region and Georgina, market rental housing, market ownership housing
Moved by Councillor Neeson
Seconded by Councillor Biggerstaff
That the meeting recess at 9:35am
The meeting resumed at 9:50am
- provided overview of services and supports administered through homelessness programs in York Region and Georgina
- dedicated encampment team supports people sheltering outdoors; builds trust, addresses safety concerns, assists connections to local community resources, accesses more appropriate shelter; 37 known encampment locations in Georgina
- collaborative partnerships with York Regional Police, Georgina Bylaws Division, York Region Outreach Services, Georgina Fire Services, Community organizations and service providers to address unsheltered people in Georgina
- Provincial Homelessness Prevention Program allocated $36.7 Million in its 2023/24 fiscal year, Regional 2023 Tax Levy allocated $13.3 Million
- Emergency and Transitional Housing Capacity in York Region is almost 250 year-round beds
- reviewed Georgina-based homelessness and housing stability service programs that include housing with supports