The Agent Frank Montano gave a brief overview of the application.
Monika Sadler, Planner I, gave a presentation on the application.
There were no public comments or speakers.
Committee Chair, John Rogers asked site plan attached indicates its a new building to be constructed, has it already been done. Monika advised building and demo was started in 2019. They had a stop work order they continued the work and are now looking for a building permit and require the MV to proceed.
Committee Member Chris Burns asked the agent Frank Montano if the structure to the east, south of the other dwelling, if a building is intended in that location. Mr. Montano advised that the owner had a permit for that building, he then stopped that construction and started working on this building instead. Originally it was a garage with metal siding.
Committee Member Chris Burns asked if the owners have looked into the requirements for the septic. Mr. Montano advised that the owner has not increased the number of rooms or bathrooms. Committee Member Chris Burns advised that the house was increased by 15%. Mr. Montano advised that they would have to revisit the septic. Committee Member Chris Burns confirmed with Mr. Montano that the owner realizes that he may need to complete septic work.
Committee Member Lynda Rogers pointed out that the entrance to the property appears to come off a laneway from the property to the east. Mr. Montano advised that the lane to the east is the route they are using now, but there is a separate entrance off of Baseline Road to this dwelling.
Committee Member Chris Burns wanted confirmation if the property with the two ponds to the south and east are related to the subject property. Mr. Montano confirmed that the owners company owns the other lot.
Following the vote, Committee Chair John Rogers advised that the application is approved subject to a 20-day appeal period and two years to meet all conditions.