Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee Minutes

Meeting #:
Virtual Meeting
Members of Committee Present:
  • Margaret Quirk
  • Charlene Biggerstaff
  • Michael Oyston
  • Alicia Lauzon
  • Nancy Liu
  • Mona Steitieh
Members of Committee Absent:
  • Hanna Gillis
  • Chenoa Mason-Zdriluk
Staff Present:
  • Cheyenne McAnuff

“The Town of Georgina recognizes and acknowledges that we are on lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of the Mayor and Council, we would like to thank them for sharing this land.  We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.

We also recognize the unique relationship the Chippewas have with the lands and waters of this territory.  They are the water protectors and environmental stewards of these lands and we join them in these responsibilities.”

Called to order at 7:05 pm

As noted above

Nancy Liu left the meeting at 7:07 PM.
Nancy Liu joined the meeting at 7:07 PM.
    Moved ByMona Steitieh
    Seconded ByMichael Oyston

    That the September 24, 2024 Agenda be approved as presented.

Charlene Biggerstaff joined the meeting at 7:08 PM.
    Moved ByMona Steitieh
    Seconded ByCharlene Biggerstaff

    That the Minutes of the June 18, 2024 meeting be adopted as presented.


Executive Director, Michelle Smith to discuss matters of equity and diversity as it pertains to Sandgate Women's Shelter

    Moved ByCharlene Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByMona Steitieh

    That Item 7.1 Sandgate Women's Shelter be deferred to a future meeting date for Michelle Smith, Executive Director, to speak on matters of equity and diversity as it pertains to Sandgate Women's Shelter.


Staff to share informative video and give an overview for the Town's event to recognize and reflect on Truth and Reconciliation on Monday, September 30th.

Staff shared an informative video reflecting on the history of Orange Shirt Day and the importance of recognizing National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Staff also gave an overview of events relating to Truth and Reconciliation. There is a flag raising event on Monday, September 30th at 3:30pm at the Civic Centre, and Georgina Public Library hosting an event on September 27th at 10:30am featuring Jake Charles from First Nation Cultural Tours. Town staff are invited to a Lunch and Learn on September 27th also featuring Jake Charles, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Pow Wow will take place on September 28 and 29 on the grounds of Sutton District High School. In addition, members of the GEDAC Committee have access to Truth and Reconciliation training materials.

    Moved ByMichael Oyston
    Seconded ByNancy Liu

    That the presentation and information from staff be received.





During the Council meeting held on July 10, 2024, Council received the Memo regarding the Committee's desire to sponsor a Community Cultural Event and approved the request for staff to investigate the opportunity and determine a preliminary budget for consideration during the 2025 budget process.

Patti provided verbal update on initial staff planning of Community Cultural Event:

Option 1 - Event at the ROC or MURC utilizing the open space of these facilities and creating a central stage for performers and seating for the audience. Passport element including a map of each cultural showcase and attendees would collect stamps for each cultural area. Potential for other activities such as a photo booth, face painting, marketing and promotions. $25,000 budget amount for this option.

Option 2 - Spread out between Town owned facilities like the Link, MURC, ROC, Pefferlaw Lions Hall with a group host at each location. Option for shuttle buses to each location. $15,000 budget amount for this option.

Option 3 - Privately-owned facilities for local business involvement, with each business involved in providing cultural experience. $8,000 budget amount for this option. Businesses may charge an additional admission fee to cover costs.

This event needs to be part of the 2025 Budget deliberations.

Consensus from Committee members to keep the event accessible in terms of cost for the public to attend the event, and may be beneficial to keep it in one place for ease of access. Potential for workshops, performers, and food trucks.

Update from staff at the next meeting with further details.

    Moved ByCharlene Biggerstaff
    Seconded ByMichael Oyston

    That the disposition and discussion regarding the Community Cultural Event be received.


Committee to start brainstorming goals and plans for 2025 including any events that may have a budgetary impact.

Mayor Quirk: Invite Grant from Georgina Optimists Club attend an upcoming meeting to discuss support and partnership for upcoming events and initiatives including those around Georgina Pride.

Patti: Opportunities for continued partnerships with Georgina Pride and York Pride, Pan-African Flag events, and Georgina Chinese Association events.

Michael: Think about ways to get word out that the Committee exists and is looking at ways to bring groups together and find new opportunities to highlight the diverse groups that exist in the community.

Mayor Quirk: Goal to build a database of groups and organizations in the community, and create opportunities to network between the groups.

Councillor Biggerstaff: Create a social platform for those new to Georgina in order to provide them with opportunities to join these groups and organizations.

Patti: Invite Diana Miller from York Region to speak at the next meeting regarding database that the Region uses as well as newcomer events, staff could also put together a social media campaign, potential for a gathering event at the MURC or ROC for a cultural breakfast/tea.

Nancy: Georgina Chinese Association Music Festival is hoping to expand into a larger festival with other cultural groups and organizations.

Patti: "Hate Has No Place Here" decals are being replenished at all Town facilities regularly.

Charlene: Share the "Hate Has No Place Here" logo with Georgina Public Library so that members of the community can use it to make buttons and other items in the MakerSpace at the Discovery Branch.

    Moved ByMona Steitieh
    Seconded ByMichael Oyston

    That the discussion on 2025 Committee Plans be received. 




    Moved ByMichael Oyston
    Seconded ByCharlene Biggerstaff

    That the meeting adjourn at 8:12pm.

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