The agent, Michael Smith, did a brief presentation on the application.
The Committee confirmed that Monika Sadler, Planner I, did not need to do a presentation on the application.
There were no public speakers or public comments.
Committee Member Chris Burns asked for clarification as to how Mr. Smith’s presentation showed seven (7) variances, the map in the agenda shows six (6) variances. Mr. Smith advised that when Monikas report was completed she divided one of the requests into two parts, being lots with frontage 15 m and 18 m corner lots, Mr. Smith had it all as 15 m plus lots. Committee Member Chris Burns asked if the Minor Variance was an easier route to take than rezoning. Mr. Smith advised that it was an easier route. Committee Member Chris Burns then asked if the lots are currently sold. Matthew Creador, representative for Treasure Hill, advised that they have not been sold yet as they are gearing up for the springtime sales launch. Committee Member Chris Burns then pointed out that Lot 43 does not front on a street. He further advised that they won’t be able to pull a permit on that until the second phase. Mr. Smith confirmed.
Committee Chair John Rogers asked if Danny Wheeler Boulevard was to be extended to Woodbine. Mr. Smith confirmed that is correct.
Following the vote, Committee Chair John Rogers advised that the application is approved subject to a 20-day appeal period and two years to meet all conditions.