The Agent Alex Smith spoke to the application.
Monika Sadler, Planner I did a presentation on the application.
There was one (1) public comment, as well a member of the public was registered to speak at the meeting but did not attend.
Committee Member Burns asked the Agent Alex Smith if the new dwelling proposed is to be a bungalow. Mr. Smith advised that the dwelling is proposed to be a 2-storey detached dwelling. Committee Member Burns then asked if the R1 zone permits a 1.2 m setback for a 2-storey dwelling as shown on the drawing. Mr. Smith advised that it does, as the 1.2 metres is for the first 2-storeys and any additional stories must have 0.5 m added to the setback. Committee Member Burns then asked will the proposed dwelling be at grade for the ground floor. Mr. Smith advised that he did not have specifics on the construction.
Committee Member Burns asked Monika Sadler, Planner I if allowable encroachments would be allowed in the 3m setback in the front yard and the rear yard to allow for a porch or a deck. Ms. Sadler advised that as per the Zoning By-Law it will not as it can only encroach 2 metres into the required front yard.
Committee Member Burns advised Mr. Smith that the property owner will want to think about the set back as it will also affect the deck. Committee Member Burns further advised that houses on the rear lower end of Keswick that full basements are a challenge, most are a raised half basement and the property owner should be conscious of those requirements.
Committee Member Burns then asked Mr. Smith if the existing hedge on the north lot line will be retained as it appears from aerial views that it is fully on the property. Mr. Smith advised that he could not speak to the location of the trunks on the hedge and where they actually reside on the lot line. He did confirm that the foliage does encroach onto the property. Mr. Smith further advised that he does not have any specifics on the retention, in his understanding and through discussions with the client there has been no discussion about removal of the hedge, as such the proposed dwelling is not proposed to be located any closer than the existing detached garage, they are aware of the small set back to the hedge. It will need to be looked at through construction.
The Committee decided to deal with the Consent and Minor Variance in two separate Motions:
B13-24 – 306 Glenwoods Avenue Approval:
Motioned By: Chris Burns
Seconded By: Karen Whitney
Carried Unanimously
A27-24 – 306 Glenwoods Avenue Approval:
Motioned By: Chris Burns
Seconded By: Karen Whitney
Carried Unanimously