Gord Mahoney, Agent, spoke to the application, seeking relief from the By-Law to build an addition to the retail store in the size of 74 sq m. Gord Mahoney advised that he and his client had an issue with the imposed conditions, which was a lot grading and drainage plan. Gord Mahoney advised that this was already submitted to the engineering department, he asked that the Committee approve the application without the condition #1.
There were no other parties to speak to the application.
Member, Chris Burns, asked if there would be a separate tenanted space or would it be operated by the owner as the store. The Agent, Gord Mahoney responded, that the addition is just making more area for the store. Chris Burns, Member, asked if the Engineering drawings accounted for increase septic. The Agent advised that it was his understanding it was a new septic as it was put in the early 2000’s. Chris Burns, Member, then asked if the property was subject to a site plan agreement as well, Gord advised that this was correct.
John Rogers, Chair asked if Monika Sadler, Planner I, had any issues with the removal of the condition. Monika advised, In speaking with the engineering department, that they have confirmed that through the site plan application they have approved a grading and drainage plan, committee can remove the condition, however if the committee does not remove the condition engineering has already seen the site plan and the condition would be fulfilled as soon as the Notice of Final and Binding is provided to the applicant.
The committee removed the condition 2 C. 1.
Following the vote, Committee Chair John Rogers advised that the application is approved subject to a 20-day appeal period and two years to meet all conditions.