The Owner, Faisal provided an explanation of the application proposal. Requesting severance to create 2 new lots.
Secretary-Treasurer, Matthew Ka read the notable conditions and comments.
The Resident, Randy have concerns over the road widening and would like to have more details about it. Committee Chair, John Rogers advised that the report indicated staff had indicated in the report that there will be a Development Agreement between the owner and the Town to address the issues of drainage and road widening.
Randy questioned the need of a cul-de-sac on Post Office Road. The Chair advised that it is designed into Town standards, and provide spaces for snow plowing, which will be in the Development Agreement.
Randy questioned whether there be any contingencies on not creating multiple lots down the road. The Chair advised there will never be any assurance on whether the owner decides to do that, but applying to a severance does not mean it is approved, rather it is the decision of the Committee to review and vote. The Owner, Faisal advised that there would not be any development in the larger severed lot and is only focusing on the lot where a dwelling unit is built.
Ryan questioned the parking issues when a road widening is done and also the drainage issues when even more houses will be built. He advised he has to clear the water by himself at some occasions due to flooding. The Chair advised the road widening is established through the Official Plan and the Zoning By-Law of the Town. Furthermore, it does not take any lands of abutting properties without permission. There would also not be a plan for the road widening at this time, as the Committee needs to grant the applicant the approval of the application with the conditions, and the plan will be created after the approval. The Chair also advised drainage is also dealt with as an Engineering conditions. Ryan also advised there were 2 written comments submitted. The Chair confirmed receive of those comments.
Dave questioned about the pond in the middle and also the lack of maintenance on the larger severed lot. Faisal advised he has difficulty maintaining the lot, but will ensure the remainder of the lot clear. In terms of the pond, the previous owner did some fill work on the property and the water has absorb more of the water. Faisal also advised there will not be any disruption for drainage as there will be study done to submit to the Town's Engineering department.
Committee Member, Chris Burns advised that there is a shed on subject land 'B' and it has to be removed since there cannot be a accessory structure without a main dwelling unit. Member Burns also advised there will be 2 years to fulfill the conditions.
The Chair reminded Faisal that there will be a development agreement done and will may be a significant obligation. The agreement will normally have securities, but this will be dealt with the Engineering department. Secretary-Treasure, Matthew Ka, advised the Development Agreement is done with the Town's Engineering Division.
Member Burns questioned the Tax and Revenue Division's comment that there are serious tax arrears. Faisal responded that he had previous communication with the Tax department to paid it off overtime.
Following the vote, Committee Chair, John Rogers, advised the application is approved subject to a 20-day appeal period, and two years to meet all conditions.